Bachelor Of Innovation

Introduction to the Bachelor of Innovation

The Bachelor of Innovation is a family of degrees that offer an internationally unique undergraduate opportunity. It is a new way to define a major apart from the traditional (BS) Bachelor of Science or (BA) Bachelor of Arts. The (BI) Bachelor of Innovation allows for students-to-students collaboration. with different skills sets and backgrounds, diversity is cherished and embraced. The innovation core is 27 credits geared towards innovation and entrepreneurship. The key components are the four team classes that students’ progress in, collaborate, and eventually lead. Students also must choose one of four focuses: Business core (for non-business students), Creative Communication Core, Engineering Core, or Globalization Core.

I chose to emphasis on the globalization core. To achieve this, I took eight credits worth of intermediate Spanish. I have a strong understanding and base for the Spanish language. (I also plan on studying in the Netherlands for my last semester in an exchange program at Radboud University). The Globalization Core of the Bachelor of Innovation has allowed me to practice and apply my international initiatives while completing my International Business emphasis simultaneously. The Globalization Core complements my International Business emphasis.

The University of Colorado Colorado Springs allowed me to foster my innovative ideas and transform them into impact. My three most meaningful experiences are highlighted by my tenacity and hard work. Overall, these experiences demonstrate my superior learning experience at UCCS.

When I took Business and Intellectual Property law with Dr. Lewis, I had the opportunity to construct a patent. I had realized the importance of intellectual property and I gained the skill of how to capitalize on an innovative idea. This was the first class at UCCS where I started to really shine my leadership and responsibility traits. It was the first class that I was put into a semester-long team with a long-term objective. As this class progressed, I was able to mediate and collect the ideas that my team had constructed. My team decided to design a dual-compartment cup. Once the project was decided on, I delegated the tasks based on my team members’ strengths. I also found my strength in creativity and ability to adapt. I had to create visuals in tandem with the description of the object. To avoid pixelization, I learned the program of Adobe Illustrator. I gained this skill from my motivation to innovate a promising idea into impact. The Business and Intellectual Property class confirms my superior education to my peers because of the strengths that gleamed throughout the duration of the patent-writing process. Moving forward, my leadership skills and skills gained in Business and Intellectual Property Law class will provide me the skills to protect and amazing ideas that I will have in the future.

My passion for creativity shined during my intellectual property class was further demonstrated in my Technical Writing class that I was part of with Dr. Stiles and Ms. Shawna Lippert. This was the most motivating class I have ever taken. Through the teachings of Dr. Stiles, I discovered a new way of persuasive writing. Technical Writing opened the door for me to find a way to create a context for my words and deliver meaning. In this class I was assigned the task to connect a non-profit to a funder by means of writing a grant proposal on behalf of the non-profit. The non-profit that was chosen was John Hooper’s Hoops House. It is a non-profit organization with the goal of providing leadership and resources for clients that have an unfortunate past of alcoholism. I used resources at the UCCS library to find a database of funders. Upon investigating probable candidates, I used my superior writing skills to construct a grant proposal to The Diane and Bruce Halle Foundation of Southern Arizona on behalf of John Hooper. This was the most motivating project I have ever completed in my life. I realized that every operating company in the world needed funding from somewhere to get started. Since my client, John Hooper, was a motivated character who largely needed money to continue his operations, I saw it as an opportunity to improve my writing skills while making a difference in someone’s life. It is difficult to explain the magnitude of academic excellence that I gained from such a meaningful experience. My superior experience in Technical Writing has paved the path for me to create something amazing in my future. With my knowledge from taking this class, I have discovered both a talent and a passion. I wish to use these skills in my professional career to create an impact through my words.

My second Teams Class, Research and Execute, was another prime example of my superior learning experience. The aim of this class was to work in a team to consult with a client that applied through the school. I got the chance to help Dalton Sprouse, the communications coordinator of Pueblo School District 60. The Pueblo school district’s teachers needed help learning the new platform of Blackboard, an online platform for teacher-student communication. This was pivotal for the school district because their teachers had been forced to teach completely remotely. Since we were unable to interact with the teachers the team decided to create videos for the Pueblo District 60 teachers to watch and learn how to use blackboard efficiently for their students. This project enhanced my communication skills when it was most important. I responsible for creating context through my words and visuals to display a message that was missing before. My project helped 18,000 students continue their education remotely. I oversaw my videos because of my creativity and connectivity. My superb experience in Teams- Research and Execute created a superior learning experience from my peers.

 The encounters in my Innovation Core classes demonstrate my real-world, tangible experiences that will build the foundation for who I strive to be in the future. I now have professional knowledge on grant writing, parent writing, and self-organized team leadership. These qualities, along with many others, demonstrates my excellent learning experience at UCCS.