Curriculum Vitae

Marketing Core Classes

MKTG 3000: Principles of Marketing

This class helped me develop a foundation of marketing and the various elements that aid in helping a community that one builds with marketing. 

MKTG 3300: Marketing Research

Marketing research was a dual-step class that built my knowledge on primary and secondary data research. For the primary data research, I lead a self-organized team to partner with the Pike’s Peak Library District to help them gain insight on why my customers were not utilizing their upscale services. The team conducted a public questionnaire and a benefit analysis. The class helped me gain knowledge on how to conduct secondary market research as we learned the efficient IBM program of SPSS. 

Outcome: I became proficient in the SPSS data analysis tool. I gained knowledge on the psychology of writing surveys. 

MKTG 4650: Promotion Management and Strategy

In this class I lead a self-organized team to create a marketing strategy proposal for Panera. This class built my understanding of working with clients in the marketing industry, conduct research on the subject, and present a thorough presentation for why Panera should pick our team to reach their new target audience.

MKTG 4700: Digital and Social Media Marketing

This surface level digital and social media marketing class introduced me to the endless options the marketing field offers. Topics in this class included social media, SEO, email marketing, web design, demographic research, and keyword research.

Outcome: I build my own blog site and implemented a keyword campaign as well as an email campaign to drive traffic and measure effectiveness. I also received my Google Display Certification and my Social Media Certification from Hubspot

International Business Core Classes

INTB 3600: International Business

This introductory class to international business provided an overview to the basics of international business. This writing-intensive class was intended to provide the research skills needed for success.

Outcome: I developed a fourteen page, APA-styled document that assessed the multi-national company retail company, Lowes’s attractiveness to the Eastern European country of Romania.

INTB 3700: International Trade and Financial Management

This class taught me how to calculate, measure, predict, and manage tariff costs across borders. It also taught me how to calculate the present value of money, put, call, and options trading. 

BGSO 4000: Business, Government, and Society

This class grew my understanding of social corporate responsibility, and how important those factors are when building a multi-national corporation. 

Outcome: I lead a self-organized team to present on the ethical issues that the questionable multi-national corporation, Tyson, perform. Through this we used a stakeholder analysis to determine the company ethically performs. 

INTB 4800: International Management

This class supported my understanding of how important cultures, language, and diversity is in an international workplace. It explained the different business habits that exist around the world. This class was taught via case studies. 

Outcome: I presented the attractiveness, likeliness, and feasibility of a tourism company in Tanzania to open a branch of operations.

STRT 4500: Strategic Management

This capstone class of the business school combined teachings of all different emphasis into one pinnacle class. This class was taught through case studies and group work. 

MKTG 4900: International Marketing

International Marketing was a duel-sided class mixed with lectures and group work. The class covered the basics of global recruiting, business ethics, and transnational communication.

Outcome: My team and I created a mutli-layered pitch on the feasibility of the Japanese Kyocera technology company to sell direct-to-consumer solar panels to the Indian market. 

Innovation Core Classes

ENTP 1000: Introduction to Entrepreneurship

The introduction course to the entrepreneurship was an inciteful class that introduced the entrepreneurial concept and basics of creating ideas.

Outcome: I created a business model and proposal on a sustainable way to reuse cardboard and create a habitat for bees to live and grow.

BLAW 2010: Business and Intellectual Property Law

This was a double-objective class, where I studied the business law while learning and researching both the history of intellectual property protection and how to apply it.

Outcome: I formatted and created a patent for a double-compartment cup that allowed the user to store two substances. The Patent had 31 articles, and three claims with multiple variables attached to each. The drawing was done digitally and has a detailed history attached to it.  

INOV 1010: The Innovation Process

This class examines major innovations throughout history. The Innovation Process was explained thoroughly and illuminates the interdisciplinary nature of innovation. This class was interactive with team-building activities. The class was aimed to teach the students how to work effectively in groups for the first time with an objective. The class had weekly lectures and side projects. I also worked all semester on the proposal project, where we generated a sustainable business plan that aimed to tackle large environmental issues.

Outcome: the team worked with local grocery stores to survey the potential impact of composting.

INOV 2010: Innovation Team: Analyze and Report   

This class worked collaboratively with sections INOV 3010 and INOV 4010. This class was the first of the three successive classes emphasizing team projects, research, analyzing data, and reporting.

Client: Judy Odom

Company: Los Mininos Cat Sanctuary

Outcome: Collaborated with an international client, Judy Odom, and the Los Mininos Cat Sanctuary, to recreate her marketing strategy. The team consulted with her weekly, created a new logo, website, and generated a social media posting schedule to set her up for success.

INOV 3010: Innovation Team: Research and Execute

This was the junior-level continuation of the team course sequence that focused on the project design, research, and execution. This class worked collaboratively with INOV 2010 and INOV 4010. 

Client: Dalton Sprouse

Company: Pueblo School District 60 Communications department

Outcome: My team and I worked with Pueblo School District 60 and director, Dalton Sprouse, to generate a guide for their employees to navigate and use Blackboard. The team created eight educational videos including step-by-step instructions and helpful feedback.

INOV 2100: Technical Writing and Grant Proposals

Focuses and addressed the five major types of technical writing: project reports, funding proposals, magazine and trade articles, technical reports, and journal reports. This class was aimed at helping non-profits obtain funding by means of UCCS Bachelor of Innovation students.

Client: John Hooper

Company: Hoops House

Outcome: Served as an intermediary grant writer. The goal was to propose a grant for Hoops House, a non-profit sober living home, who needed additional funds to continue operations. I composed a 45-page proposal to The Diane and Bruce Halle Foundation, based out of Tempe, Arizona, for Hoops House. The grant also included a follow-up guide for Hoops House to complete and submit on behalf of their organization.  

INOV 4010: Innovation Team: Design and Lead

Company: NeuroAthlete Clinic

Outcome: I lead a self-organized team by hiring classmates to work with a client. The project included creating a digital and social media marketing strategy and formulating a business plan for the client. The NeuroAthlete Clinic partnered with us to help them grow their new online education platform business. 

ENTP 4500: Entrepreneurship and Strategy


This class served as a pinnacle for my Bachelor of Innovation degree at UCCS. I was a part of a self-organized team that partnered with Pueblo School District 60 to help find after-school solutions for their underprivileged kids. This class also helped me develop business writing skills.