About Me

Who am I?

My name is Sean Geismann, I am currently 23 years old. I graduated from the University of Colorado Colorado Springs in the US. I chose to study in the Nijmegen, Netherlands for a 6-month exchange program in the fall of 2022.

I am currently working in the tourism industry in Denali Park, Alaska. However, I am currently writing on my recent travels throughout Europe!

Why did I make this site?

I created this blog in 2022 when I moved to the Netherlands for my studies. I wanted a way to journal my travels, while also giving my advice to people with a similar mindset. My life goal is to have many experiences and maximize my time spent.

What is Sean’s Budget Travels about?

With these writings, I prove that traveling does not have to be an expensive activity, and the world can be explored without loads of expendable income. All of the stories included in this blog are original content. every photo on this site has been taken on my iPhone when traveling.

The content you will find in my blog is informative and direct. My content is easy to navigate, as it gives you just the right amount of information. 

This site is dedicated to sharing travel stories with the world. Stories are the best way to describe travel and its beautiful offerings. I am set on convincing my readers to follow in my footsteps through these stories. I believe in exploring efficiently, sustainably, and affordably. My articles will only grow with time! I hope you keep following my journey!

For more frequent updates, I recommend following my Instagram!

Multnomah Falls

Where am I now?

I am currently working in hospitality this summer at Denali National Park in Alaska. On my days off, I backpack throughout the park and visit the neighboring towns. Follow me on this journey!

Lets Write Together

My long-term goal with this site is to create a site where other travelers can also share their knowledge and travel tips. Sean’s Budget Travels will become a place where the average traveler can share their experiences while focusing on inexpensive and responsible traveling.

If you have an interest in my writing, or if you have an interest in joining my site as a writer, I invite you to follow the button below: